Agile project management fundamentals



Agile project management is becoming an increasingly hot topic. While Agile practices are not new, the Agile project management concepts of how to manage projects using Agile are relatively new project management methodology that employs iterative “agile” techniques for determining requirements and developing project plans for software development and information technology projects. Participants will learn the fundamental techniques of Agile Project Management, how these techniques differ from traditional methods, what value each approach brings to a project, and how to introduce the techniques to the project team. Further, the agile methodology effectively copes with the constant changes that are often inherent in software development and information technology projects.





Course Description


Agile project management is becoming increasingly hot topic.  While Agile practices are not new, the Agile project management concepts of how to manage project using Agile is relatively new project management methodology which employs iterative “agile” techniques for determining requirements, and developing project plans for software development and information technology projects. Participants will learn the fundamental techniques of Agile Project Management, how these techniques differ from traditional methods, what value each technique brings to a project, and how to introduce the techniques to project team.  Further how the agile methodology effectively cope with the constant changes that are often inherent in software development and information technology projects.



Learning outcomes


  • Understanding of where Agile Project Management fits on the management-methodology spectrum
  • Appreciation of the history and evolution of Agile Project Management
  • Knowledge of a variety of Agile techniques, including requirements management, estimating and planning, documentation practices, quality management, and metrics and control
  • Understanding when the use of Agile Project Management is appropriate and when it is not


Course outline


  • Introduction to Agile project management context
  • Various development models  – History at a glance
  • An overview of the various Agile Methods (XP, SCRUM, Lean, etc)
  • Agile Requirements Management
  • Agile Planning and Estimation
  • Agile tracking and metrics
  • Agile team work


Schedule & duration


  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • 3 days