Project management Overview



Project management is on the rise and its becoming a discipline that many employers expect some of their employees to have exposure to. This course is designed to help students seeking collage degree in project management, or curios about project management and its applicability in everyday business and if it’s a career you’d like to pursue. Project management is about managing people, schedule, budget, and cost constraints. Our instructors will encourage interaction which allows students to learn the concepts by performing groups’ exercises, taking practice quizzes and collaboration. This course will provide you with an overview of basic concepts of Project Management, as well as tips, tools and techniques on how to leverage project management for success in your everyday endeavors.




Course Description


Project management is on the rise and its becoming a discipline that many employers expect some of their employees to have exposure to.  This course is designed to help students seeking collage degree in project management, or curios about project management and its applicability in everyday business and if it’s a career you’d like to pursue.  Project management is about managing people, schedule, budget, and cost constraints.  Our instructors will encourage interaction which allows students to learn the concepts by performing groups’ exercises, taking practice quizzes and collaboration. This course will provide you with an overview of basic concepts of Project Management, as well as tips, tools and techniques on how to leverage project management for success in your everyday endeavors.


Learning outcomes


  • Develop an understanding of project management as a discipline.
  • Understand PM basic process and terminology and benefits associated with project management
  • Identify the elements of a project pertaining to people, time, cost and how to use the triple constraints to plan, organize your work or those you are responsible for.
  • Tips and techniques to use in everyday life that will help you better plan and achieve better outcome through hands-on exercise that will apply the concepts learned.


Schedule & duration


  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • 2 days




  • $600 + HST- (Payment in full is required at time of enrollment)
  • The price includes the course materials, breakfast, snacks and coffee breaks


You can download the course details in .pdf format here.